Health Provider Roles


ClinicianThis person can view the data in a health care portal. A list of who qualifies may be found in the Medicaid regulations and agency's Administrative Code. Examples include: certified counselor or therapist, doctor, nurse, PhD psychologist, state hospital staff, etc.
ProbationOfficerAll probation officers for Corrections, Pardons and Paroles, and similar agencies will be allowed to view the data in the health care portal.
LRALocal Registration Agent - Administrator who can add, suspend and modify user accounts. They may also view audit and other activity logs.
AdministrativeStaffThese individuals would only be able to view basic demographic information via a health care portal. Examples would include: health center receptionists, administrative assistants, etc.
IntakeClassificationIntake and Classification/Re-Entry Personnel – Persons with any of these roles will be allowed to view the data in the health care portal.