Clinician | This person can view the data in a health care portal. A list of who qualifies may be found in the Medicaid regulations and agency's Administrative Code. Examples include: certified counselor or therapist, doctor, nurse, PhD psychologist, state hospital staff, etc. |
ProbationOfficer | All probation officers for Corrections, Pardons and Paroles, and similar agencies will be allowed to view the data in the health care portal. |
LRA | Local Registration Agent - Administrator who can add, suspend and modify user accounts. They may also view audit and other activity logs. |
AdministrativeStaff | These individuals would only be able to view basic demographic information via a health care portal. Examples would include: health center receptionists, administrative assistants, etc. |
IntakeClassification | Intake and Classification/Re-Entry Personnel – Persons with any of these roles will be allowed to view the data in the health care portal. |