Criminal History Data Self Search Home Privilege Indicator
Active / In UseFull Formal Attribute Name
Abbreviated Formal Attribute Name
True if the user has permission to search on behalf of himself/herself (NOT on behalf of the user's home agency) for criminal history data and documents within the user's home system, network, or agency. False otherwise.
Data Type
Version Number
Usage Information
Example data sources include National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Criminal History.
User eligibility requirements are decided by federation members, but may include: Finger print (FP) based background, NCIC training, access to Law Enforcement criminal history data in home agency, member of agency with Law Enforcement Originating Agency (ORI) code.
Legal values for this attribute are "true", "false", "1", and "0", where "1" indicates true and "0" indicates false.
User eligibility requirements are decided by federation members, but may include: Finger print (FP) based background, NCIC training, access to Law Enforcement criminal history data in home agency, member of agency with Law Enforcement Originating Agency (ORI) code.
Legal values for this attribute are "true", "false", "1", and "0", where "1" indicates true and "0" indicates false.
Example Content
None Provided
NIEM Xpath
NIEM Definition
GFIPM Metadata Straw Man
Misc. Notes
None Provided